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Excited Children in Science Class

STEM Activities


World Multiplication Table Day

World Multiplication Table Day (WMTD) is an educational campaign that takes place every year on the first Friday of October in schools around the world. The aim of the campaign is to promote a fun form of teaching and learning mathematics. It is

intended to encourage children to remember the multiplication table in a pleasant, unusual way. The action is an opportunity for students to catch up on multiplication after the holidays. "Multiplication Table knowledge" is tested in an unusual way - during various games, competitions, quizzes, colorin g books, games, escape rooms, etc. In our school, the Photon Edu TD3 and TD4 robots also helped in learning and consolidating the Multiplication table.

Workshops at the Copernicus Science Center for students in Fifth grades.

During a trip to Warsaw, which took place on May 19-20, 2022, one important point of the trip programme was a visit to the Copernicus Science Center. This is where students can implement the school curriculum in a playful way, concerning, inter alia, developing interest in phenomena occurring in the surrounding world area, shaping cognitive curiosity and teamwork skills. Visit

at exhibitions is a great opportunity to conduct classes using the research method. Students will not find ready-made answers in Copernicus, only the way to discover and verify your knowledge.

Experimentation Zone

In the Experimentation Zone, students could freely explore

and discover. They could observe and find out about many phenomena occurring in nature, find out what impact human activity has on nature. A large part of the exhibition is devoted to the structure and functioning of the human body. Some of the exhibits inspire to ask mathematical questions and make it easier to understand the principles of geometry. Others encourage to explore the laws of physics and chemical processes.

Music zone

The exhibition PLAY - WIN encouraged students to discover the world of sounds

and having fun together. Music has a huge role in the lives of young people - it allows them to selfdefine, discover interests, express emotions, find friends. The exhibits helped to understand how sound is produced, how sound waves propagate, how a hearing organ works. They also allow you to test the capabilities of modern electronic devices for processing sounds.


The Copernicus workshop space gives the students the opportunity to have great fun they could face engineering, construction and logical challenges.

Only simple materials and everyday objects are used to carry out the tasks.

Analyzing the problem put in front of the student, looking for solutions and learning from mistakes - all this develops the ability to think critically, gives a chance for a better learning about your own strengths and building a sense of influence on reality.

High Voltage Theater and Robotics Theater

The High Voltage Theater shows help to understand issues related to electricity. In the Robotic Theater you can watch performances in which actors are Robothespians - technologically advanced humanoids that move by compressed air.

Tale Blazer an idea for a field game in mathematics lessons.

We use modern technologies to learn at school. We use tools which inspire and

release all layers of creativity. The TaleBlazer app combines elements of

mathematics, computer science and geography. We use it to revise knowledge and

practice our skills before the eighth grade exam. Such work gives a lot of satisfaction

as well to the teacher and a student.

Labolatory of the future

Our school carries out innovative program – Laboratory of the future. The students have a lot of opportunities to experience different interesting projects all over the school year. In February and March as part of the Laboratories of the Future program, students used a tool that allows them to create three-dimensional objects. The Tincercad program that they used gives the opportunity not only to combine simple spatial solids, but also to create 3D models of any objects that can later be printed in a 3D printer. Robotics classes - getting to know the functions and capabilities of various robots. Controlling

robots and drones using educational apps for basic programming. Students programmed robots and drones in such a way as to take into account the established assumptions.

How to build a skyscraper?

During the spatial geometry lesson, the class Vc students decided to build a skyscraper out of plastic sticks and connectors. Unfortunately, the solid made of a dozen cubes didn’t want to stand "on its own". What to do to prevent the building from overturning? Someone came up with the idea to extend the base. It was a good solution. Properly designed foundation allowed the tall building to

stand freely without any help. A discussion arose during this type of exercise, why a tall and very "slim" crane can carry huge concrete slabs in the air? How does it happend? We will try to solve this problem practically next time. Pictures from the described task are attached.

Geometric figures around us.
Project realized in grades V
Primary School No. 7, Giżycko

We spent the last few weeks in the fifth grade on issues related to figure properties such as rectangle, square, triangle, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezoid. We used the known properties and formulas to calculate the areas and perimeters of these figures. The summary of the geometric figures section was the implementation of a project concerning the occurrence of known figures in the world around us. Each student had to prepare a work - a life story taken with the use of all the above-mentioned figures (at least one). The aim of the project was to consolidate knowledge about geometric figures, their  properties and applications. The works had to be prepared in A4 format. Any technique allowed (cut-out paper, coloring book). The children had a week to realize the project. During the summary of geometric figures unit, each student presented their work. All projects were marked very high.

Creating Ozobot Robots

In mathematics, you can combine and develop various activities - creativity, independence, learning through mistakes, cooperation, planning. Students from sixth grade did it. Pupils learned the properties of solids, ways of calculating the area and volume, and programming while building a town for the Ozobot robot.

Groups of children drew nets of blocks and glued them together to form houses. They formed the scenery of the town. Some of them dealt with road programming for Ozobot. There were some mistakes, but they were corrected when it turned out, for example, that the code drawn upside down didn’t work :) Some of students created a set of questions and answers about the structure and properties of solids. A question had to be answered while Ozobot was driving. The children liked

such a lesson. Each of them could contribute to the work as best as they could.

Code Week

Code Week is a social initiative in which European countries "race" in the number of organized events related to programming. Poland is one of its leaders. Also in our school, some classes joined this action. In mathematics in grades eight, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 5c, students practiced the order of actions using Star Constellations worksheets, and in geography lesson in 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, students additionally recognized constellations. In ICT classes, children from 4a and boys from 4c learned to program using color codes for tasks performed by a small robot Ozobot. Thanks to the robot, children in a tangible way became convinced that programming is an extremely practical field that is used in every area of human life. Programming with the use of Ozobots, children were able to immediately observe the effects of their work. The lessons were very interesting and the children

were satisfied with the effects of their work.

Booklet Application

To make our lessons more interesting and encourage students to take part in them, we often use revisions prepared in the Blooket application. This application gives a lot of possibilities and satisfaction. You can compose questions like in a normal quiz or import whole sets from Quizizlet.Build your wealth in this exciting gameplay by answering questions to earn gold and steal it from other players. Serve food to customers, replenish supplies by answering questions, and buy upgrades to create a cool cafe. Players face each other in 1v1 (or team to team) matches and try to be the last remaining Block.

Empty Classroom Day.

15.06.2023 is a date when students spent the school day outside. Teachers organized interesting activities for their pupils to show different ways to learn using creative methods. Childen experienced i.a. measuring the height of inaccessible objects using the Thales Theorem and proportions. The students used the lengths of the shadows and calculated the height of e.g. a tree, pole or mast based on appropriate proportions.

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